Thursday, January 17, 2013

Minnesota Children's Museum of Rochester: Jobs

Here’s the deal – the moment you start working somewhere you can no longer volunteer in the same place. This doesn’t always work this way but it can. The issue is that the moment you’re employed, your time is a commodity that you must be paid for.

I will beginning working at the MCM Rochester as a Floor Lead in one week.

I had been debating whether or not I should accept the position for some time. Accepting the job means I can no longer volunteer at MCM. But the truth is, I will still be spending time helping out.

Another important lesson to learn from this is that volunteering can and should lead to potential job offerings.

(Momentary Tangent) Did you know that some companies now have robots looking through the resumes sent to them as job applications? These robot look for specific words in the text and, if they find them, the resume is tossed.

So if you can become a real person, as opposed to a piece of paper, to these companies, you’re chances of being hired may be increased. More importantly, volunteering allows you some time to decide whether or not you enjoy working somewhere.

Final Message: Get out there and volunteer, my friends.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rochester Public Library: HELP!

What? Books, movies, computers and more all for the low cost of a library card.
Who? High School students and beyond can volunteer.
Volunteer Process Time: Took me around 2 months but the process can be shortened if you quickly contact the volunteer coordinators.

Thursday, January 10th marked my first tutoring session at the Rochester Public Library. The experience was great but I quickly learned that I couldn’t make an impact without assistance from other volunteers.

The first two young adults that entered the tutoring room were looking for help with their mathematic homework. I can figure a problem out given time, but I’m no math pro. We would have been lost if another tutoring volunteer hadn’t of arrived. Even better, the volunteer tutor was a math teacher.

Volunteering at a new place can be tricky. That’s why my motto is to never be like the guy who keeps driving and refuses to stop and ask for directions. We all need some help.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Minnesota Children's Museum of Rochester: Spark

This is something I’ve only found while performing volunteer work. Specifically, I’ve only encountered the spark while working with kids. On Friday, Jan. 4, I found the spark again.

I had been playing with cushion blocks at the museum’s architecture and design exhibit when I asked a very young lady if she would like to help me build something. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t need to. But the girl pointed up at a suggested design and we got to work.

We proceeded to build an arch and then a small doorway by building up the cushion blocks. She relished in the opportunity to hesitantly knock the constructions down once they were completed. Seeing what we had created, two young boys offered to help and one of them had an idea.


His eyes dilate and go wide. A smile spreads across his face. He gets it and, most importantly, he has an idea to add! The moment disappears in a flash of jumping and running and building of blocks.

First we built a house, then it was a tiger’s cave, and then it was a tiger’s maze and eventually a space ship, which we used to travel to a desert. In the middle of the desert, we had to escape from a shark into the safety of our space ship, only to repeat the same adventure. More kids joined into our fun and they brought their ideas.

If you can think back to a moment when you experienced the “spark,” please leave a comment and let me know.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Minnesota Children's Museum of Rochester: Volunteer First!

On Friday, Dec. 20, I was reading a book about kangaroos to kids called “Pouch” when I realized that doing the same thing for payment wouldn’t be the same.

The reason I’m bringing this up is that there’s a weekend job offering at the Children’s Museum as a facility fun manager (something to that effect). I’m tempted to take the position as a way of supporting my writing endeavors.

But the problem is this: what should volunteers do when they are offered a job?

Of course, the answer is dependent upon your situation. If you’re a student, you may not have time to work. If you’re already employed, you may not need the job. But if you take the job, how will the experience change?

The beauty of volunteer work is that you’re performing a service without an exchange of money. But if you can continue to enjoy the experience, why not take a paid job doing what you enjoy?

Volunteer work is centered on service. However when you volunteer, you meet awesome people, discover new things you enjoy, learn about yourself and realize you have potential.

If it were up to me, everyone would spend time doing volunteer work before they ever decided on a career path.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Minnesota Children’s Museum of Rochester: Volunteer Orientation

My volunteer orientation with the Minnesota Children’s Museum of Rochester is complete. We went through an informational PowerPoint, discussed learning techniques and played with Play-Doh®. What else would you do in training to become a “Playologist?”

I’ve been through a few of these orientations and, although the experience varies by organization, there are a few actions you can perform to ensure your success.

1) Be happy. Smile while greeting other volunteers or employees of the organization.

2) Firm handshakes and good pronunciation of your name. The goal here is being remembered. Some volunteer coordinators see a lot of volunteers in a given day. Don’t go overboard by dancing or screaming … too much … but ensure your presence is known.

3) Get to know another volunteer. May sure you’re paying attention to the orientation speaker but, if you get a chance, chat with another volunteer. It’s good to have friends at work for questions, problem solving and collaboration.

4) Know the job. Orientation is a great time for asking questions. If the job isn’t clear, ask as many questions as possible. Once you’re on the floor, you may not have the guidance you’re getting in orientation.

5) Have fun. You’re a volunteer, doing good work for a good cause. If you enjoy parts of the orientation, you will have a great time working for the organization.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rochester Public Library: Tricks of the Trade

Rochester Public Library
What? A public source for books, learning, events and more. Volunteer work includes tutoring, maintaining a book store, and working toward tidying up shelves with circulation.
Who? Mature high school students and up.
Volunteer Process Time: It took me a little over a month but can be done in two weeks time.


Soon, I will be volunteering at the library!

I completed orientation on Monday, Dec. 17 and should be able to start volunteering within the week.

For as long as I can remember, the smell and sound of pages turning has been comforting. I suppose one trick to the game of volunteer work is to make sure you do it somewhere that interest, excites, comforts or motivates you.

I hope to be tutoring, helping out with the library Facebook page and more. I will keep you posted.

Boys & Girls Club: Overcoming Chaos

Alright, its time to be honest. Volunteering with youth, no matter where you are, is going to be chaotic. Here’s my advice.

1) Remain calm.
2) Approach and address children one at a time.
3) Remember each child is unique and it will take time for you to understand him or her. Likewise, it will take time for children to understand who you are.

I’m inspired to jot down of few words of advice and encouragement while performing a youth service position because, as fun as it can be, small things make your work as a volunteer difficult.

For an entire hour of volunteer work on Monday, Dec. 17th, L was jumping out from corners of the room and screaming in my ears. I’ve struggled with this same young gentleman enough times in the past to know that he uses screaming as a coping mechanism.

Screaming, at least for L, helps him deal with stress. However, L manages to scream his stress directly into me.

So what do you do?

1) Remain calm and take a second to think about what to say.

2) Focus in on L and pay less attention your surroundings. The brain can focus and really zero in on one thing at a time. The Boys & Girls Club serves a lot of youth and there are a lot of distractions – but when it comes time to mentor a child, you need to focus.

3) Speak with with L. Discover screaming is “fun” for him. Explain, “L, I admire your creativity, but I think it would be best if you used it towards something that doesn’t harm or negatively impact others. You’re hurting my ears, buddy.”

4) Here’s an important step: Acknowledge that you aren’t going to permanently change a child’s life with one conversation. L continued to scream until he received a STEP (the discipline policy at the Boys & Girls Club, Rochester).

I’d like to comment on my last tip. Volunteers perform an awesome service and make a HUMONGOUS difference – one uninspired by the changing hands of money. However, remember to have fun, keep a positive attitude and give up some of the control.

You can’t always be the hero, changing lives for the better and keeping everyone safe. Other people don’t need a hero – not if we want them to grow up to be independent leaders.

Volunteer service is all about new friends, new experiences and good times.